November 15, 20211.8 minInside Hunting

New Zealand Implements Vaccination Requirements for Foreign Travelers; Australia Remains Closed

With the recent reopening of the US, Canadian and Argentine borders, SCI members are asking when two other important hunting destinations will open to travelers, namely New Zealand and Australia. Here’s the latest on what travelers should know about both destinations:

New Zealand has implemented a requirement that all foreign travelers must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 at least 14 days prior to arriving in the country. Don’t get too excited though, as a seven-day quarantine in a government-approved facility is still required and the backlog of bookings could take many months to clear. Also, although the requirement applies to all foreigners entering the country, travelers must still qualify for certain exemptions, which do not yet include tourism.

Proof of vaccination must be presented to airline agents at check-in before boarding and to New Zealand Customs upon arrival in the country. Travelers must also declare their vaccination status when registering with the Managed isolation Allocation System (, used to book a quarantine stay prior to traveling to New Zealand.

New Zealand will accept any of the 22 COVID-19 vaccinations that have been government or authority approved ( Also, travelers must have a negative COVID-19 test result no older than 72 hours before departure.

Additionally, Air New Zealand has announced that as of February 1, 2022, all passengers 18 years of age and older who are travelling internationally on an Air New Zealand aircraft must be fully vaccinated. Hunters with booked hunts to New Zealand are advised to continue following developments toward a complete reopening of the border. New Zealand authorities have not yet indicated when that might be.

As for Australia, a travel ban remains in place for all foreigners and nonresidents with few exceptions. Also, Australians are restricted from traveling abroad, depending on their vaccination status and meeting criteria for an exemption to leave the country. Lockdowns and internal restrictions are still in place.

For more information on hunting travel and related COVID-19 travel restrictions, contact SCI’s Hunter Information Service at

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