The Hunters’ Embassy

On Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., the Safari Club International Hunters’ Embassy is a nexus for the strategic defense of hunting and sustainable-use wildlife conservation.

It is home to SCI’s International, Federal, and State & Local government advocacy efforts, as well as litigation, conservation and communications operations.

Business affairs and professional events are hosted here to further the protection and advancement of hunting advocacy and all aspects of the outdoors lifestyle.

Leave a Legacy at the Hunters’ Embassy

You have a limited time to make an impact. Donate today!

Buy a Brick

Limited Bricks Available

Donor Wall of Honor

Exclusive Naming Rights

$5,000 to $99,999


$100,001 – $499,999

$500,000 +

Donor Wall of Honor

Chapter Recognition


Donor Wall of Honor

Guides, Outfitters & Exhibitors


Strategically Positioned in Washington D.C.

On Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., the Safari Club International Headquarters is a nexus for the strategic defense of hunting and sustainable-use wildlife conservation.

Here we are best positioned to protect the freedom to hunt and defend efforts from anti-hunting special interest groups.

Interested in making a general donation?

Secure the Future of Hunting by donating to the Hunters’ Embassy and supporting SCl’s D.C. Building Capital Campaign.
