SCI Opposes New Firearms Export Regulations
SCI submitted comments in opposition to a Bureau of Industry and Safety (BIS) interim final rule that imposes new restrictions for individuals traveling abroad with personal firearms for hunting and recreational shooting. Although the interim final rule largely addressed export of firearms intended for sale abroad and continued a temporary ban on issuing new export permits for such commercial endeavors, BIS chose to include unnecessary restrictions on hunters and recreational shooters traveling with personal firearms. The changes prohibit traveling with firearms to certain countries, the list of which can change without notice to the public. They also limit individuals to traveling with a maximum of three firearms instead of the six currently allowed. SCI also opposed other changes that BIS suggested it might make in a future rulemaking. BIS did not justify any of the implemented or suggested changes for traveling hunters; yet, the changes will make it more onerous for hunters to travel abroad with their own firearms. SCI’s comments reflect our engagement on related issues and fall within the scope of work for SCI’s “Travel with Firearms” subcommittee. SCI will continue to advocate for more commonsense regulations related to traveling abroad with personal firearms.