March 25, 20201.1 minFederal

Tell Congress to Support COVID-19 Relief for Conservation Non-Profits

Tell Congress to include economic relief for non-profit conservation organizations in any relief package they send to the President Trump’s desk!

Sportsmen and women are some of the biggest financial contributors to wildlife conservation worldwide, especially in the United States, where they contribute more than 2.2% to the overall economy.

From buying licenses and tags, to the excise taxes placed on firearms and ammunition, to the money that is generously donated through many of the conservation organizations around the world, it’s safe to say conservation would be in peril without sportsmen and women.

The worldwide crisis brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has come at the worst possible time for many of these organizations. The spring months are some of the most important months for fundraising for many conservation organizations. The vast majority of this revenue comes directly from events held in local communities across the country.

Despite the critical importance of these gatherings, many organizations have made the tough but necessary decision to postpone these events but fear that much of the revenue lost will not be recovered.

Many non-profit organizations operate on thin margins and this loss of revenue is a major threat to not only the viability of our organizations, but the great conservation work they do as well.

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