April 13, 20201 minFederal

Tell Your Senators to SUPPORT Senate Bill 3422

This unprecedented bill will provide billions in funding to increase public access for sportsmen and women!

Senators Gardner (CO), Manchin (WV), and 56 other bipartisan Senators introduced a historic bill to provide significant funding to increase public access to public lands and waters. S. 3422, the Great American Outdoors Act, will provide $9.5 billion over 5 years to address our public land maintenance backlog (totaling $12 billion), with nearly $3 billion set aside to benefit lands and waters that sportsmen and women depend on. S. 3422 will also provide permanent and full funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund at $900 million annually.

Senate Bill 3422 will be the most significant step that Congress has taken to drive public land access and conservation to benefit sportsmen and women in decades. Your support, as a conservationist, is necessary ensure the passage of the Great American Outdoors Act.

We ask that you contact your Senators and urge them to join their colleagues in cosponsoring S. 3422 – and if they have already cosponsored this legislation, we are asking that you THANK them for their leadership!

Access the Hunters Advocacy Action Center to make your voice heard on S. 3422.

To see other sporting-conservation groups that support S. 3422, click here.

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